A Conversation About Gas Prices
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A Conversation About Gas Prices


Permalink 02:06:05 am, by Computer Care, 727 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Uncategorized, Social Media, Thats Amazing

A Conversation About Gas Prices


A conversation I just had with a young man at a gas pump.

high gas prices and the biden-flation economy

I was about to put gas in my vehicle when I heard a string of expletives come from the young man on the other side of the pump made me pause.

Follow up:

I soon realized the young man was complaining to a friend about the sky high price of gas. At the pump at this particular station it was $4.19 per gallon for regular unleaded. About the cheapest gasoline you will find around here today.

He told me he was 16 years old, just started driving and just got his first real paycheck. At these prices, most of his check would have to go into the gas tank.
Like most young people in Texas the first vehicle they will drive is a hand me down pickup truck, usually not in great shape and most likely not the most fuel efficient vehicle in existence.

We spoke for a moment about how fast gas prices were rising and how much of his new income would be swallowed up by the now outrageous cost of gasoline just to get back and forth to work.

I told him I felt sorry for him and all young people just starting out now, in this economy. I also told him, as I am very much his senior in years about another time in history that this happened. It was odd he did not seem to know about this.

I told him of the Carter years, 1976 - 1980 and about double digit unemployment, high gas prices, fuel shortages, double digit interest rates, fast rising inflation and how it was all caused precisely as the current conditions are being caused.
By the administration at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C.
I explained that just like Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter knew better than the producers of energy and the American people of what was good for us and how much of it we should have and how much it should cost.
I explained that I had seen this play out before but never thought I would see history repeat itself; but here we are.

He looked at me perplexed, he had never heard this before, so I told him to do some research and learn it for himself, it had happened.
I also told him how we fixed it last time. In 1980 we elected Ronald Reagan.
His policies put American back to work and eased government interference in our lives and in the free market. Those policies were enacted against and to the dismay of a Democrat controlled congress but to the joy of most Americans.
I recounted how well those policies worked, by 1984, only 4 short years after the pain Carter and the Democrats inflicted, things were actually better then before.
I graduated high school in 1984 and can attest to the fact that if you did not have a job, it was because you did not want one. Even where I lived, a democrat stronghold of local and state politics and policies, Reagan's policies had helped improve the economic conditions.

History is repeating itself Joe Biden is forcing us to relive the Carter years, but this time the pain is on steroids.

I told him there was hope, but for now, the government is bent on causing us pain.
I wished him all the best of luck.
I feel for him and all those now entering the work force, they are going to find it very difficult to get any kind of a start today.

I am going to head off the Reagan detractors right here, I know what you are going to say, you will be repeating what your teacher, professor or some media told you about the Reagan years and I can tell you, they lied.
I know how fast the economy rebounded, I lived it. I also know that it is very hard to fool the whole country at once. Reagan was re-elected in 1984 by a 49 state electoral avalanche. The only state he did not carry, and only lost by about 5000 votes was Minnesota, the home state of his opponent.
So please explain that election result while you tell me what you were told about the Reagan years.

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