Stop Look Listen and Feel for Hardware Diagnostics
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Stop Look Listen and Feel for Hardware Diagnostics


Permalink 10:56:42 am, by Computer Care, 527 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: DesignJet Trouble Shooting

Stop Look Listen and Feel for Hardware Diagnostics


© 3/26/2013

Stop, Ask, Look and Listen

Hardware problems can be tricky to pin down and diagnose, but not as daunting a task as some techs fear.

When you walk in, stop, take a breath and settle yourself. When you are distracted or rushed you will miss details that matter. Also you have to get your mind right, not on your last task or your next task or anything else. Center yourself and be in the moment. As was drilled into my head, it is not the task at hand that kills you, but the one before that does you in.
You have to be right here, right now to work effectively.

Follow up:

Question the users and bystanders about the circumstances surrounding the failure.
What was going on when this happened?
Has anything been changed?
Did this happen suddenly or had it been getting worse over time?
Asking questions gets you technical information the average user does not even know they have. They hear and see things and usually do not even realize it. Ask questions before you dive in.

Observe, is there smoke?
Ok maybe not that extreme but it happens. Look for signs of defects and failure. Lights, error displays, vibrations small pieces of materials that should not be there. And always be aware of F.O.D. - Foreign object damage. Things in the machine that should not be there. Use a flashlight, a magnifying glass and never be afraid to reference a technical diagram. You are looking for what is not supposed to be there or what is different and that can be tricky.
It is like walking into a room and trying to figure out what is missing. Not easy to do. Use your eyes and your fingers. Feel for excessive sloppy movement of gears, fans or belts. Feel for vibrations that do not belong. Parts that don't fit right or excessive heat can all be clues to the issue. Look two or three times, details can be easy to overlook if you rush.

Listen to what the user tells you then listen to what the machine tells you. Vibrations, squeaks, creaking, scraping, grinding or any noise that should not be there will give you a clue as to what is happening.
Isolate when the noise occurs.
Case in point - LaserJet printer - vibrations and barely audible rhythmic bumping noise that occurred anytime the printer warmed, came online or printed a job. I ruled out paper feed as the noise occurred even when no paper was moving.
So try to duplicate the sounds under every condition to ascertain what is causing it and under what conditions. This information can lead you to the source and the issue.

Using these rules will improve your diagnostic skills and accuracy a hundred fold. It is our job as engineers and techs to solve problems quickly and efficiently. When you get it right the first time and make it right quickly you will be the one they always call.

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