Start Don't Stop focus on the positive
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Start Don't Stop focus on the positive


Permalink 04:57:44 pm, by Computer Care, 746 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Tips and Tricks

Start, Don't Stop


Start, don't stop, be positive your life instead of negative

Start, don't stop.
You must refocus your mind off of the negative and on to the positive.
I read an interesting piece today from twitter @LollyDaskal on her blog page
Stop! What Is Not Working

While I do agree with the basic premise, discontinue doing what is not working.
I disagree with the approach. We as human beings are negatively based. We have a natural tendency to focus on negative things.

The weather is too cold, or too hot.
I need to stop smoking, I am to fat, I am always late.

You need to break this cycle, there see I just did it.
You need to start doing the things that will enrich and better your life.
There that is better.

Follow up:

It takes some thinking but you must rewire your thought process in order to be more positive, and in this day and age, we could use all the positive energy we can get.
Instead of telling yourself “I need to stop being late” tell yourself, “I am going to get there early”.
Instead of telling yourself “stop being so sad” tell yourself, “I am going to find happiness where ever I can” or “I will do my best to bring smiles to those around me”.
Don’t tell youself “I am too fat”, tell yourself I am going to eat healthy and love my body”.
Ok I try not to do this but I am going to quote from the referenced site.

Stop interrupting.
Stop over scheduling.
Stop being bossy.
Stop being afraid of success.
Stop working so hard for so little.
Stop being a perfectionist.

Stop being mean.
Stop arguing.
Stop being unhappy.
Stop being selfish.
Stop apologizing for yourself.
Stop being rude.

These are things we should weed out of our lives, but to try and weed them out by being negative will only breed more negativity and possibly failure.
So try this:
I am going to listen to others more
I am going to plan my days out better and leave time for me
I am going to delegate authority and let others take charge
I am going to earn success and earn my self-esteem
I will work smarter, I will learn new skills so I can advance myself
I will learn to accept things as they are
I will be more considerate of the feelings of others
I will find new ways to see happiness and joy in life
I will share and find joy in helping others
I am who I am and I will be happy with that
I will consider what others hear when I speak and take their feelings into account.

These are positive ways to improve yourself, your work, your business and your life.
Ways to start making your little corner of the world better, lose the negativity and gain a positive outlook on life. The energy we all waste being negative could power NY city for a year.
Here is a fun exercise in positive thinking.
Ask someone, “What are three things you can tell me about your day”?
So they answer for example:
I was late to work cause my alarm clock didn’t go off.
I had a great lunch at a new café
My car would not start when I got off work

Which of these would you naturally pick to comment on?
Yeah my alarm clock died last week and I was late
I just had to buy a battery for my car too.

Purposely stop yourself right there! Make a concerted effort to affirm the one positive thing they said, “really, what café? I found a nice little place last week too, you should try it”.
Affirm the positive things people tell you, don’t disregard the negative things, but try not to dwell on them. You have to purposely and thoughtfully break the cycle. Being positive is not hard, but you need to put in some effort. It will change your life and the way people around you see and interact with you. Affirming the good and positive things in your life and the lives of others brings you that much closer to breaking the cycle.

Remember, it is not everyday above ground is a good day, It is I am alive and I can dream!

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