Leadership in a Nutshell
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Leadership in a Nutshell


Permalink 02:08:33 am, by Computer Care, 850 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Tips and Tricks

Leadership In A Nutshell


Leaders blaze a trail for others to follow

Leadership in a nutshell

Lead by example, always.
You never ask anyone to do anything you would not be ready and willing to do yourself.
Yes there are things that need to be accomplished you do not have the skills to do yourself, but you get my meaning. If you would not be willing to do it yourself, how could you ask anyone else to do it? You can not, and you should not. As a leader you must be willing to do any and all tasks at hand. A true leader rolls the sleeves up and gets their hands dirty when the need arises. You can not lead from an ivory tower nor from the safety of your office or a concrete bunker. As they say, you have to be close enough to smell the gunpowder and the horse crap.

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Follow up:

You are a leader, not a confessor, a priest, a therapist, a friend or a Dutch uncle.
If you need a friend go out and make some, but subordinates are not candidates for your next friends only BBQ and swim party. Talk to your people, let them see you, get involved but keep it professional, too friendly or familiar leads to insubordination. You must be a leader and that means you will require others to follow directions, a friend will not take orders the way a subordinate will.

Leadership is not a democracy.
There is no true leadership by committee. As a leader you must be authoritarian, you must make choices and decisions, right or wrong, if you are the leader you must make the decisions. Solicit opinions and expertise where ever you can find it, but at the end of the day, the decision rests on your shoulders and you will have to make it and own it.

Own the losses.
As a leader when something goes wrong, it is always your fault. You made the decisions that lead to the failure, own it. The failure belongs solely to you as the decision maker. It is indeed your fault. I can not stress this enough, you are always at fault, no one else. Never point fingers at your subordinates, especially to your superiors, clients or any other employee. You always take the blame and shield your subordinates from any fall out; they will remember what you did for them.

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Give credit for the victories.
Wins are never yours. Success always belongs to your subordinates and they get all the credit. When the kudos come, pass them right on down the line, you never take them for yourself. Phrases like “I have the best team”, “my team deserves all the credit”, “I have the hardest working team in the world”, but you never take the credit for yourself. This is very important so take it to heart, you are not responsible for success, your subordinates are.

Never show fear.
Fear and indecision are crippling to leadership and authority. A true leader always knows what to do, or at the very least always appears to know. Start by educating yourself and being prepared to deal with challenges as they arise. It is said, “confusion is the ally of the prepared”, when everyone else is ready to panic, you as the leader, must show calm and be decisive. It has a very stabilizing effect on your subordinates. It is fine to feel fear or have doubts, but you never show that to your subordinates, they need to see you as in control and ready to deal with any situation as it comes your way.

Deal with problems, now, today!
You can not procrastinate, you must deal with issues as they arise. Letting a problem stew is never a good recipe for success. Problems seem to fester and grow like a cancer. As a leader you must deal with and solve the problems as quickly as possible, no matter what the source. One problem can easily turn into ten if you let them go, so stay in control and handle them before they can get out of hand and become overwhelming. It is far easier to blow out a lit match than it is to extinguish a forest fire.

Computer Care is your one stop for computer, plotter, printer and networking parts and service.

Leadership is a balancing act while standing on a beach ball. Once you learn how it is impressive to watch. Learning how can be exhausting and frustrating. A true and seasoned leader has many battle scars to show for their success. Every leader has their own certain style, learn your strengths and weaknesses and adapt your style to your strengths. Also, never hide or compensate for your weakness, identify it, and find ways to correct it and strengthen yourself in those areas.

Best of luck and I hope this helps.

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