Apple iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move
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Apple iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move


Permalink 04:49:10 am, by Computer Care, 352 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Tips and Tricks

Apple iPhone Is Tracking Your Every Move


iPhone by Apple is tracking and recording your every move.

In the last few years it has become very clear that there is no privacy left in the world.
Everyone with a car or smart phone probably knows someone is using a GPS device to track them.

But is it being paranoid when you find out you are indeed being tracked, without your knowledge or consent by a device you paid your hard earned money to purchase?
If you have an iPhone, you are being tracked.

Follow up:

Today, that feature is the iPhone's "Frequent Locations." It silently learns about where you spend your time and collects a list of where you've been and how long you spend there. It determines your workplace location (mostly accurately, it seems) from where you are during the day, and your home address from where you spend your nights. Apple says the data "is kept solely on your device and won't be sent to Apple without your consent. It will be used to provide you with personalized services, such as predictive traffic routing." But it still brings to mind questions, such as: Will courts one day subpoena this location data, as they do with text messages?
Reference Article:

So now if you have any Location Services turned on, the phone you paid your hard earned money for is tracking your every movement, without your knowledge. How secure does that make you feel?

So here is what you can do about it for now.
First you must delete all the stored data, and then turn off the recorder.
The setting for this feature can be found by navigating to:
Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations
Once there, click on “Clear History”.
Then after the history is cleared, toggle off the “Frequent Locations” slider.

This feature is toggle on by default, maybe I would not be so suspicious if I had to manually enable this feature, but it was turned on by default, without my consent.

Also reference:

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