The Simplest Answer Is Usually The Correct Answer
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The Simplest Answer Is Usually The Correct Answer


Permalink 04:25:11 pm, by Computer Care, 280 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: DesignJet Trouble Shooting, Tips and Tricks

Never Overcomplicate The Simple Problems


To solve a problem you have to make sure you don't create more problems first.
Never overcomplicate the simple things.

When troubleshooting and diagnosing a problem always start with the basics.

When troubleshooting and diagnosing a problem always start with the basics.
"Is it plugged in and turned on?" Is not a silly question, it is the most basic. When a situation arises suddenly, what has changed? Has something been added or taken away?
Start with the simplest and eliminate the obvious and easy.

Follow up:

I try to keep these two principles in my mind when troubleshooting and isolating a problem:
Occam's Razor: one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.
Or simply put: the simplest answer or solution is usually the correct one.

We use another expression in electronics:
- Keep It Simple Stupid. Do not complicate things beyond what they are or should be.

When you start with and eliminate the simplest, easiest and most obvious first you will save time and money and either solve the problem quickly or get to the root cause faster.
When you dismiss the simple answers out of hand without first checking them, you run the risk of misdiagnosis which leads to wasted time and money.

In the simplest terms:
If you buy a used sofa off of the internet and place it in a room, then suddenly the room has a strange smell, try cleaning the sofa before you paint the walls or rip out the air conditioning ducts.
The simplest answer is usually the right one.

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