Local Search Taking Over The Internet?
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Local Search Taking Over The Internet?


Permalink 04:13:46 pm, by Computer Care, 300 words   English (US) latin1
Categories: Calibrations, Tips and Tricks

Local Search Taking Over The Internet?


Local Search Taking Over The Internet?

Local Search Taking Over The Internet?

Maybe it is just me but isn’t that just so 1988?
One of the things the Internet promised was to make the world a smaller place.
To bring things far away right into your office or living room.

I can understand local search if you are looking for a restaurant, a mechanic or a guy to fix your AC. What I cannot fathom is how adversely the local search priority is hurting Internet business. Ecommerce services a worldwide market place, not just our local neighborhoods. So if search engines are prioritizing “local search” at the expense of quality search or relative search, the ones who suffer are the consumers and the Ecommerce operators.
The Internet and Ecommerce made it possible and affordable for a small store in Midland, Texas to attract, interact with and ultimately sell to a customer in Portland, Maine. This was partly possible due to relative and accurate search results from the major engines that didn’t put a priority on the customers close proximity, but gave the best results for the term, no matter where the website owner was located.

Follow up:

Way back when, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and rocks where a secret military weapon, local search was all the rage. Back in the days before the Internet when your local searches involved a local newspaper or a phone book. Now we have the Internet and access to a big wide world of choices, but the search engines are pushing us backwards by prioritizing the results with things you can find in the local yellow pages.

Is it just me or is that counter-intuitive?

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